


James Hueter

James Hueter painting(oil on wood) - part of the exhibition The House That Sam Built.

We were in a hurry and didn't even check the title... I'd like to meet this wonderful piece again...


Ramón Casas

Ramón Casas i Carbó.  Barcelona 4 de enero de 1866 - 29 de febrero de 1932. España.

Autorretrato. 1883. Óleo sobre lienzo. 115 x 96.5 cm. Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. Barcelona.

Retrato de Pablo Picasso. 1900. Carbón y lápiz conté realzado al pastel. 69 x 44.5 cm. Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. Barcelona

Estudio del natural para el retrato del rey Alfonso XIII

 La Sargentain. 1907. Óleo sobre lienzo. 91 x 63 cm. Colección Círculo del Liceo. Barcelona
 Montmarte. 1901. Lápiz conté, pastel y tinta. 130 x 90 cm. Museu Comarcal de la Garrotxa. Olot
 Mujer con mantilla española de madroños. 1915
 Pere Romeu. 1897
 Ramón Casas y Pere Romeu en un tánden. 1897
 Retrato del violonchelista Gálvez


London designers Raw Edges present furniture made from 326 metres of coiled felt at Fat Galerie in Paris.

London designer Philippe Malouin made bowls from rolls of till paper at Vienna Design Week Laboratory.

Designer Siba Sahabi of the Netherlands has hand-crafted a series of vessels from black wallpaper.

from Dezeen


Garden Shed

by Ville Hara and Linda Bergroth

from dezeen.com